Friday, June 4, 2010

What Do You Think Lawyers Should Be Thinking About

I have recently joined the planning committee for the 2011 American Bar Association Water Law Conference which will be taking place in San Diego next February. And we are currently in the process of determining the themes and panels for the conference.

In thinking about discussion topics for the conference, it occurred to me that it would be interesting to hear what you think we should be talking about. The American Bar Association is almost certainly the largest organization of attorneys in the United States. And this conference will pull together attorneys involved in water issues from across the country, including lawyers from both the private sector and government agencies.

So…What do you think the lawyers should be talking about?

In the hopes that this becomes a discussion, please post any thoughts in the comments section as opposed to e-mailing me directly. Also, the more specific the idea/issue, the more useful it will be. While I welcome anyone’s opinions on this subject, I am particularly interested to hear what non-legal practitioners have to say. What are the issues/problems you worry about? What do you encounter in your day-to-day activities that you feel need to be discussed, or discussed more than they are. Obviously to the extent there is a clear legal dimension to the issue, the more appealing it will be for this group.

1 comment:

  1. Alex: How about the federal encroachment into states' water rights?

    I know we disagree a bit on the clean water restoration act being one such example, but there are others out there.

    The ACWI effort, for one, is very gingerly promoting a national (federal) water sustainabiltity policy and is mainly being orchestrated by federal agencies - almost all the water-related agencies. How would such a national policy impact the states' rights and abilities to manage their water in any fashion other than whatever the national policy dictated? Is this not an encroachment?

    There have to be many other examples. Every state legal group could probably come up with several efforts they classify as encroachment.

    Just an idea. On the other hand, it may be too volatile to take on.
